The GDR-Opposition
During the cold-war Germany was divided in the Communist East-Germany (GDR) and the Capitalist West Germany (FRG). The GDR was a so called satellite-state under the strong rule of the soviet regime. The regime closed the border between east and west Germany with the construction of „The Wall“ in 1961. But with the years the tiny sprouts of an oppositional movement inside the GDR was growing. Who was it? How was it developing? And how could they tear down The Wall in 1989? In this course we will visit the Stasi-Museum, look inside the everyday life in the GDR and throw the spotlight on the oppositional movement and the turnaround.
PLEASE NOTE that this course will start at tagungswerk and we will meet there. After an introduction and discussion round we’ll visit the Stasi-Museum together in the afternoon.
All seminars of this project are free of charge. The language will be English.
If you want to join a course, please send a short email to info(at)obuk-ev.org or a message to our Facebook page, so we can plan.
More information about the other courses on the Website ob OBUK e.V.