Wallenberg’s life
Raoul Wallenberg wurde am 4.August 1912 in Schweden geboren.
Als Sohn einer Unternehmerfamilie sollte er die Familientraditionen fortführen, er entschloß sich jedoch für ein Studium der Architektur in den Vereinigten Staaten. Raoul übte den Beruf nicht aus, er war Ende der dreißiger Jahre ein Suchender.
Mit dem Gefühl der Anteilnahme die Unterdrückung und Verfolgung der Juden in Deutschland und den besetzten Ländern Europas beobachtend, wuchs in ihm der Gedanke, den Verfolgten zu helfen.
Anfang 1944 wurde von dem amerikanischen Präsidenten Roosevelt das War Refugee Board gegründet. Es sollte Rettungsaktionen ermöglichen, um bedrohte Juden vor der Deportation zu schützen.
The representative of the War Refugee Board in Stockholm was looking for a suitable person for a rescue mission in Hungary. Between 14 May and 8 July 1944, 437,402 women, men and children of Jewish faith were taken to the extermination camps, about 200,000 Jews had sought shelter in Budapest. They were given the help. Raoul Wallenberg immediately agreed to go to Budapest. Equipped with a Swedish diplomatic passport for the protection of his person, he flew to Berlin on July 6, 1944 to travel from here by train to Budapest.
In a unique way he saved tens of thousands of Jews. He exhibited in the Hungarian capital for a multitude of people a protective passport which had been designed by him, and which protected his owner under the protection of the royal Swedish ambassador. Then he gave them apartments in an extraterritorial area and provided them with food and medicines. Even from freight trains serving the deportation, he saved people.
Raoul Wallenberg was arrested on 17.1.1945 by the Soviet intelligence service and taken to the Lubianka prison in Moscow. The Soviet Union initially denied having taken Raoul, but gave it to the Gromyko note on February 2, 1957. However, Wallenberg died in 1947 of „heart failure“ – as a 35-year-old, so far ambitious man. A representation, as it is distributed today by the KGB, but in no way corresponds to the facts.
No lie lasts forever, but it can not last longer than the life of the Savior of 100,000 Jews.